I am here, as a writer, hoping to contribute my voice to the conversation around wellness. What does “wellness” mean to me and in what context? I think it is many things, so I hope to offer my perspective on the different subjects that I feel contribute to a sense of physical or mental wellness- my observations on mental health and relationships, my own journey with physical and medical health, my experiences in struggling with skincare, and probably much more.
I cannot claim to be a professional in any of these areas, and I do not intend to present myself as having more knowledge or education than I do. What I do hope is that maybe something I have experienced might offer insight or help, or even just start an engaging discussion with interested people. In sharing my perspective, I always hope to gain more information that will lead to greater understanding.
If I am capable of shedding some light, or finding some pieces of truth, I hope there is value in that.